House District 6 is now House District 52


Recently, the Utah Legislature met in special session to approve the redistricting work conducted by the Redistricting Task force based on the 2020 Census Data. This had an effect on Utah House District 6. First, the District was reduced in size by nearly 20,000 people. The current size of the District based on population is approximately 45,300 people, which is about the size of all House Districts in Utah.

The changes came about mostly with just a few specific requirements, meet the population requirement, and redraw boundaries along natural divisions. As a result, nearly all of the precincts east of I-15 (which is the new boundary) are no longer in House District 6 and are now in House District 56 (which changes to House District 53). The exception is that a small portion of the South end of American Fork (roughly Pacific Avenue south to 100 East) is now part of House District 6. On the West side, the boundary mostly follows Jordan River meaning that some of the precincts along the East side of Redwood Road are no longer in House District 6.

As part of the process, the House Districts were renumbered in a more sequential manner. The task force started at the top of Utah with District 1 and went down to District 75 in Southern Utah. That means House District 6 now becomes House District 52.

So, what does this mean? First, it means a lot of people I’ve had the opportunity to represent, get to know, and become friends with will no longer be in the District. You will, however, be well represented by either Kay Christofferson east of I-15 in House District 53, or Jefferson Moss in House District 51 if you’re in the Saratoga Springs precincts just east of Redwood Road.

Second, the transition may become a bit confusing. 2022 is an election year. I will be running for re-election for House District 52, but I will be representing House District 6 as it stands today until the end of 2022 when the final redistricting changes formally take place.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at anytime.


Cory Maloy to seek Re-Election for Utah House District 52


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